Round Up: Our Top 10 Blog Posts 2020
As we dive head first into the holiday season next week, it's finally time to step back and unwind after the wild ride that 2020 has been. Over the course of the last year, we've created and shared the content we feel would offer the most support and value to keep you moving forward in your business despite the challenges that have been thrown your way.
With hopefully a little more time on your hands over the break and the headspace to enjoy our content, we've compiled a list of our top ten blog posts from the last year.
3 Tips for Switching Off and Enjoying Christmas When You're Self-Employed
The New Year, new you notion is fast approaching and with it, goals of stepping into 2021 refreshed, energised and reinvigorated are hot on our heels. The irony is, however, that to reach that point of successful hustle and drive, first of all, we’ve got to take a step back and take time to enjoy the Christmas break ahead of us.
We know that when you’re running your own business, that’s not the easiest transition to make.
We also know how stressful and busy the festive period can be and trying to squeeze in your workload on top of that means it won’t be long before you’re entering 2020 with the wrong kind of bang – burnout.
With that in mind, we’ve put together a few tips to help you to sit back, relax and switch off your work worries this Christmas.
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How To Stay Motivated With Your Business Goals for the New Year
It’s easy and certainly tempting to let those promising, determined goals you set for 2021 slip away as the novelty of a New Year starts to wear off come mid-January. Before you know it another year has passed and you’ve not made the progress you’d hoped for within your business.
So let’s make 2021 different. Let’s make 2021 the year you commit to your business goals, stay laser-focused, driven and keep motivation consistent to see your goals through to their final manifestation.
Not sure how? Keep these tips and tricks in your back pocket, ready for a rainy day when reaching your goals seems more impossible than ever.
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How To Use Downtime To Improve Your Business
We all have quieter periods in business at one point or another. But instead of stressing about them, imagine if you focused this time on ways to improve your business, to take time to do those needle-moving tasks that always end up pushed to the bottom of the priority list and to prepare your business to thrive when we reach the other side of this pandemic.
Although this post is written during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020 when many of us are experiencing cancelled events, projects or a temporary freeze in our main sources of revenue, these are things you can work on at any time in your business when experiencing downtime and quieter periods.
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4 Ideas For Taking Your Business Virtual
If 2020 has taught us anything it’s the importance of adapting to circumstances outside of our control. That and the fact that there’s no better time to digi-proof your business and get creative with ways to take your business virtual. At this point of the year, most of us are starting to plan out our business goals for the year ahead. Taking into consideration that the pressure of the endless pivoting is starting to take its toll on our creativity.
To lighten the load we’ve pulled together some ideas to continue embracing the virtual reality of the working world through the coming months so that you can continue to thrive in your business regardless of COVID restrictions or anything else that should try to get in our way.
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7 Of The Best Apps For Freelancers and Entrepreneurs
The apps that will help you feel organised and sane as an entrepreneur or freelancer in 2021.
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How To Avoid Remote Work Burnout
People who work in offices burn out because they’ve got to deal with stressful commutes, navigate exhausting office politics, spend 8-9 hours working in the office then repeat the commute in reverse – to put it simply.
People who work from home burn out because their work and home life boundaries are suddenly blurred, they’re making their own schedule and are juggling domestic responsibilities (kids, partner, pets interrupting zoom calls, general distractions) and many feel isolated or alone in their working environment – all things that only scratch the surface of burnout causes.
To all of us juggling the limbo of pandemic life, let’s give ourselves a little grace right now.
Keep these tips in mind if you’re feeling the pull of WFH burnout.
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The Perks of Freelance Life As Part Of A Co-Working Community
The stereotype of the freelance work set up paints pictures of freelancers sipping on their flat white, typing on their laptop from the corner of a coffee shop. The reality – Coronavirus restrictions aside – is that many freelancers miss the company of co-workers. They crave many of the creative and social aspects associated with working in an office environment.
As it turns out, co-working spaces serve as the productive and creative secret weapon they’ve been looking for – even more so if you’re newly self-employed and freelancing.
Here’s how co-working spaces can boost your freelance business.
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3 Tips To Help You Settle Into Your New Co-Working Space
So you’ve just made the leap to step out of your home office and join a co-working space – congrats. We may be a little biased but we think you’re about to have the time of your entrepreneurial life.
To make sure that you do, here are our top tips to make the most of your new co-working space
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Co-Working Post Pandemic: We've Still Got Your Back
Throughout the global pandemic we’ve lived through over the last few months, business owners, employees, entrepreneurs and freelancers alike have been forced to rethink the way we live and do business while navigating new and necessary health measures. As we navigate the various phases of our world’s re-opening, individuals and organisations are still finding our footing with what will and won’t work within our professional lives. While some of us are craving a sense of a social community, others are keen to keep themselves tucked into their respective bubbles a little longer, and for many, co-working spaces will offer the happy-medium solution in our new working lives.
Here are a few ways that co-working spaces have your back in the post-pandemic working world.