4 Ways To Keep Your Online Presence Up To Date
As nearly everything has switched to the online world right now, there's never been a better time to work on the digital elements of your business, starting with making sure your website and your brand is up to date online. For many of us, particularly now, your website is the face of your business and the only way it will be seen right now.
Your website should represent more than just an information portal for your customers. By taking time to clearly integrate your brand into all of your online interactions, you're able to bring your business to life and attract visitors when the usual face to face, human connection isn't an option. Before a potential customer decides to hit that button to contact you, book a call or purchase a product from you, they only have your website and social media to go by, so you want to make sure it's a strong and clear representation of what you do, what your business stands for and why they should choose to do business with you.
Here are a few ways to keep your website and social media up to date to attract more customers:
Clear messaging
First impressions are everything, right? The same applies for when someone lands on your website or social media. Consider things like:
What is the first thing that someone sees when they land on my website?
Is it easy to understand what the business does and who we help?
Is it clear HOW someone can work with me? (Clear Call To Actions)
Remember who your ideal customer is. Does your copy speak clearly and directly to them? What information do they need to know? For every piece of content included on your website from navigation pages, products pages or your about page, consider who is this information for and what exactly do they need to know? Then make sure you're delivering on that.
The same applies to your social media profile. Make use of your profile bios and use the same questions above to make sure you've made it clear what it is your business does, who you help and how they can work with you.
Test everything works
A lot of hard work has been put into building your website and bringing it to life. You want to make sure that everything works as it should, buttons are linked to the right pages, purchase buttons are working, check out pages function, email subscriptions are linked up - you get the drill. It can seem tedious but it could be the difference between hitting your sales target this month or not. Take time to go through these things so that you can reduce the risk of people dropping off from your website.
Make sure that your website works on all of your devices too so that no one is missing out on your incredible business. If your website doesn't display or function well on all devices, you may experience user drop off and find yourself missing out on a whole group of potential customers.
Keep it congruent
Something that can be easily overlooked, particularly if you're a solopreneur, is making sure all messaging and imagery matches across your social media profiles, website and digital communications. If you use your logo on one social media profile, for example on your business Facebook Page, use the same logo on your Instagram profile picture too. It makes it easier for the consumer so that they instantly recognise your content and business.
Use Social Media to stay connected to your customers
Not only is social media marketing the key to organically building your customer base online but it's a great tool to maintain a connection with your existing customer base and build trust with them. People buy from people and social media is a great opportunity to build this connection, share updates with your customers and give them insight into the day to day of your business. Share testimonials, product updates and the behind-the-scenes of your biggest projects.
Sometimes what you do is so obvious to you that it's difficult to detach and see things from your ideal client's point of view. If you're unsure about how clear your online messaging is, ask friends or industry connections what they associate with your brand and if by looking at your website, they understand what it is you do and how someone can work with you. From there you'll be able to identify necessary changes and can put the above steps into practice.