Three Self-Care Rituals To Help You Stay On Your A-Game During Uncertain Times
We’ve watched our daily routines and normality completely shift over the last few weeks. While the rest of our world has been momentarily cancelled - events, in-person socialising, restaurants and trips - one thing that hasn’t been cancelled is the running of our businesses. In fact, now, more than ever you’re likely feeling the pressure to keep your business going and adapt during uncertain times.
The reality is that we’re experiencing something that as a society, we’ve never gone through and we’re juggling a lot of intensified emotions and responsibilities which makes attaining our usual motivation and productivity levels feel even more of an uphill battle. And that’s ok. If ever there was a time to cut yourself some slack, it’s during a global pandemic.
Right now, being on your A-Game requires an extra dose of effort however, these three self-care rituals will help you to channel your most productive self while running your business and your day-to-day life.
Ready to take on the challenge?
Start your day on your terms
Bill Gates treats his ‘me time’ as a non-negotiable, committing to an entire ‘think week’ within his calendar. He spends this time in the forest with nothing but books and quiet. Granted this isn’t something we can all afford to do, nor is it advisable during a global pandemic, but it highlights the importance of taking time to reflect, to gather your thoughts and to take stock of where you are while also looking to where you want to go.
This kind of downtime is just as effective when built into regular, shorter sessions such as a morning routine that allows room for you to slow down and enjoy that morning coffee rather than rushing straight into checking your inbox or running out the door. Whether meditating, journalling or taking time to stretch your legs for a morning walk, starting the day on your terms allows space for quiet moments to check in with yourself and start the day with a clear mind.
Find your motivation formula
In her book, Pivot, Jenny Blake talks about Identifying Your Happiness Formula.
As Blake explains, “One of the keys to being agile in life is knowing how to quickly find your way back to equilibrium.”
Although many of us are likely experiencing a pivot in career or business strategy currently, this idea stands true for managing motivation and productivity within the current period of uncertainty.
“Your happiness formula is the unique mix of environmental factors and activities that are most likely to invigorate you and reset your energy batteries when they are running low,” Blake continues.
Looking to the micro-elements of your happiness formula (day-to-day routines) these may include things like creating your own morning routine, reading, meditating, getting outside, taking a fitness class, (virtually) meeting a friend for coffee, getting 8 hours of sleep or cooking healthy meals. Many will stem from your values and strengths such as helping others or dedicating time to being creative.
Think about the daily activities and morning routines that are critical to your happiness formula and furthermore help to boost your productivity and reset your energy levels. The next step is to take note and start implementing these practices when you feel your focus dwindling. Use this formula as a regular reminder of the things you can do to help you stay on your A-game.
Embrace the productivity tools
Similar to the Pomodoro technique, the 50/10 rule is ideal for work that calls for uninterrupted focus (or for those moments when you just can’t sit still). When you need to get in the zone, remove immediate distractions (notifications, phones etc) and use a timer to work solidly for 50 minutes on one important task. Once the 50 minutes is complete you can then enjoy 10 minutes of chill time whether making a coffee, stretching your legs or just getting away from your desk.
For more productivity tools check out this post on our blog where we’ve covered all bases of productivity lulls from eliminating the social media scroll trap to embracing intense focus and mastering the time-sensitive brainstorm.