Admin in Focus: Naomi Baker Community Assistant

Name and Role: Naomi – Community Assistant

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2021? 

Being locked down for almost two years made me realise you have to do what makes you happy because life is too short to stay in your comfort zone! First opportunity I got I was on a train with my life in two suitcases to move to Belfast!

Do you have any hobbies or interests? 

I love lots of outdoorsy bits like hiking, sunrise swims, outdoor yoga and just chilling in nature in general. I have a big interest in psychology and how the brain functions, I’ll read or listen to anything to do with how the mind works. Big fan of reading and podcasts too.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’m a bit of a jack of all trades, I used to think this was a bad thing until I found out the full quote is “a jack of all trades is a master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one” I have so many interests and a love of learning, so I’m qualified in a few things: Digital Marketing, Personal Training, Makeup Artist and most recently Barbering! The common denominator in all those things is people! At my core I’m a people person. ☺

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?

I just want to understand crypto and NFT’s!! 10 coffees to anyone who can teach me. ☺ Either that or be a really skilled chef because I think cooking for people is just such a genuine, caring thing to do.

What do you enjoy most about Ormeau Baths? 

From the second I started here people have been so welcoming. So many people have given their time to stop for a chat and I think the community here is so lovely. Even after just two weeks here I already feel at home and part of the team.

If you could win a lifetime supply of any one thing, what would you choose? 

If we’re talking about anything at all I’d choose happiness or motivation but if it has to be an actual real thing then maybe money, not even just for me but a lot of people’s stress and suffering could be solved with the absence of financial worries. I’d love to buy myself a few project cars too and rebuild them.